Visitor Comments
March 7, 2010
Hi Jerry,
   Where do you go to find such beautiful material?
   Your website, your Christmas pages, your Easter pages.  I don't need to try to find time to pray or to meditate - all I have to do is go to your website.
   Thanks again.  You do perform a great "service."
Mary Jo

March 2, 2008
Hello Jerry,
   I love your Easter website, thank you.
God bless,

February 20, 2008
  This is absolutely the most awesome site. I have sat for an hour or so just listening and enjoying this so much.
   Is there any way to buy a CD with all the music, it is just beautiful.

   Thank you for visiting my Easter website and I am glad that you enjoyed your time there. I hope you will share this site with your family and friends.
   I do not have any CDs for sale. Please visit these web sites for more information about the music I used on my site and to purchase the CDs either online or at your local music store.
   Josh Groban:
   Michael Combs:
   Ray Boltz:
Wishing you a Blessed Easter,

February 10, 2008
Dear Jerry,
   I added the link on the Hope to Healing Website Home page.
   Beautiful!!!  I played all the games.
Webmaster Hope to Healing

February 4, 2008
Hi Jerry,
   MAGNIFICENT! That simply is the only way to describe your Easter site. I have not gotten through all the games yet, but I have gone through all the other sections. This had to be a real labor of love for you because it is evident how much time went in to preparing it! Believe me, it was well worth it as it will definitely touch the hearts and spirits of all who visit it.
   Although I absolutely loved all of it, let me hit a few of my personal favorites! First of all, you lay out the website so beautifully. It is so easy to navigate and move about. Of course, the first place I went was the inspiration pages. These are always my favorite. One of the hi-lites of every page you do is your incredible use of graphics. I loved the opening graphic of Calvary! What an incredible picture. Now add to that a fantastic poem and a song that fits perfectly not only in lyrics but in the mood the rhythm creates and voila! – a masterpiece.
   I also loved the way you mixed it up on the beautiful piece, “ One Guy Didn’t”. Again, it was a great poem made perfect by the different type of moving graphic and the music.
   Of course, you know me well enough by now to know that the Easter Egg would bring tears to my eyes as there were a lot of students like that in my classes over the years. True, some of them may not have been mentally handicapped like that boy or even physically handicapped but there were a lot of them who were handicapped in their own way. Simply a beautiful piece!
   The Awesome God video seemed homemade. Was it yours or something you gleaned from the Internet? I just ask that because if it is your own creation it means that you have branched out once more. Either way, it was very well
   I hope to get to some of the games in the days ahead and will definitely get Setten and Logan to try their hand at them.
   Needless to say, I will pass on the site to those I meet. Well done, my friend!!!
Peace and Good,

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Have a Happy Easter
The Desktop Angel

You Raise Me Up performed by Josh Groban

Backgrounds by Janette
Our God Reigns