Way Of The Cross

Station I
Station II
Station III
Station IV
Station V
Station VI
Station VII
Station VIII
Station IX
Station X
Station XI
Station XII
Station XIII
Station XIV
Station XV

Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

   With my son finally relieved of the weight of the cross, I thought he would have a chance to rest.  But the guards immediately started to rip his clothes off his blood-clotted skin.  The sight of my son in such pain was unbearable.  Yet, since I knew this had to be, I stood by and cried silently.

   Lord, in my own way I too have stripped you.  I have taken away the good name of another by foolish talk, and have stripped people of human dignity by my prejudice.  Jesus, there are so many ways I have offended you through the hurt I have caused others.  Help me to see you in all people.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be