Modern Stations
of the Cross

Station I
Station II
Station III
Station IV
Station V
Station VI
Station VII
Station VIII
Station IX
Station X
Station XI
Station XII
Station XIII
Station XIV
Station XV

Desktop Angel
Easter Pages

Station XI
Jesus Is Nailed To The Cross

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You because by Your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Look at Jesus
   How much Jesus hurts as the soldiers nail him to the cross.  He hurts all over; he is tired and thirsty; he knows that he is going to die.  But he looks at the people who have hurt him and, instead of saying bad things to those people, Jesus asks God to forgive them.

   He looks at his mother and tells her to take care of others.  Even when he is dying, Jesus is thinking of other people.

Look at Your Heart
   Can you think of a time when someone hurt you with unkind words or actions?  Was it hard for you to forgive that person?

   Jesus knows that forgiving is hard to do.  That's why Jesus will help to change your heart when you ask him to help you to forgive someone.  See how your heart looks after you ask Jesus to do this.